Tv on Raspberry Pi

I have recently got into Tv systems and how they operate. I picked myself up a tv hat for my Raspberry Pi 4b and a cheap aerial from Amazon and tuned it in, I got, Saorview (Irish free to air Television) with all its channels and radio stations. a while later I had blocky and dirty reception with my system and narrowed the problem down to the hat and its accessory’s. I then went Ahed and purchased a new tv hat after having the second one experience the same issues as the other one after a while I realised, I made a mistake in purchasing another hat as it was the connector that connects the small mcx connector on the hat to the bigger pal female antenna that failed both times due to the stress of the cable pulling on it, I plan to get a mcx to pal female cable instead of the connector RasPi gives me. I have since upgraded to a better OneForAll Yagi antenna

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