FlightRadar24 Feeder

Hello All this is my first post with content!

I recently enough set Up a FlightRadar24 Feeder, This was using my Existing Raspberry Pi model 4b and a Nooelec NESDR SMArTee v2 That i purchased As it was recommended By Flightradar24 at the time of purchase. I had it originally set up in a waterproofed container with the bigger antenna (roughly 27cm), I got on average roughly 5-10 aircraft at any given time, It was in this state for a While until I decided to give the smaller antenna (roughly 12cm) a try, I set that up on Thursday (31/03/22). In the extreme short term I noticed a very big increase in range and aircraft average, This was quite a big jump given my stats for the few days before Thursday (seen below). The figures for Today (Friday 01/04/22) Are a bit off as I am writing this at 22:24 and the stats have not had time to properly update.

My statistics average for the week

The stats for The Thursday were low as it was down for the antenna swap and the swap was done later in the day. I will most probably leave my antenna in this configuration and position for a good while as this seems the best possible way to put it at this moment in time.

You can keep track of my journey with my antenna by Filtering by the radar T-EIDW314 on Flightradar24 or If you have an account you can view the statistics at This link.

Note: links on this page that do not link to any of My sites are out of My control. I am not affiliated with Flightradar24, Raspberry Pi, nooelec or any other entity mentioned here

This is a view of my receiver on my end (Locally connected to my Pi) There was less traffic in the sky so not as much for my antenna to pick up at the time of the screenshot