ACARS setup update

ACARS setup update

Hello, this is an update about my ACARS feeder for

Nothing has changed physically with my feeder since my last post. I am still using the naked FlightAware orange SDR and the telescopic Nooelec antenna with the broken SMA connector. However my feed has being going great and has amassed over 52,000 messages in the space of 4 months (YAY! useless data).  I plan to keep this feeder going and will probably upgrade to an antenna made by Vinnant in the future to make my setup better.

I would also like to thank the community, specifically KevinE as they (and the community at large) have helped me and my setup and also clearing up some confusion on some issues or questions I have had had (and also sending me some cool stickers)



please note: I am in no way affiliated with entities mentioned or linked here beyond myself. Links out of this site I am not responsible for the content of.